Sunday, March 31, 2013

Technical Hitch

You may have noticed that some of the recent videos that have been posted are not playing. My apologies as I try to solve the issue.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Farewell, and Good Luck!

Today we farewells our friends as they left to live in Australia. We hope we will see them back by the time 'we' are at Intermediate.
We had a lovely morning tea - yes, that is a delicious and enormous chocolate cake.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Farewell to Hayley

We have been most fortunate to have Maisy's cousin, Hayley, spend two days with us this week. She was great fun, and wonderful help to Mrs Piters and the students. Her enthusiasm was boundless, and she took great delight in working with the students to test - and teach - their basic facts knowledge.
After spending several weeks touring around New Zealand, Hayley is now headed to Australia, before continuing her travels to Asia.
Farewell and Bon Voyage, Hayley.